Executive Division

Sections under this Division are directly responsible to the Director-General.

The Procurement and Compliance Section

The Section is responsible for preparation and management of procurement plans for works, services and goods. It is also responsible for ensuring procurement compliance for works and services according to the Government and funding agencies procurement procedures and regulations. It oversees that appropriate levels of stock and proper records are kept and stock turnover is properly maintained. The section also prepares all lists and documents necessary for the valuation of tenders and advice on the valuation of samples. Its other function is to coordinate purchasing and receiving of goods as well as contracting suppliers and coordinating their timely payment.

The Corporate Communications Section

The section is responsible for creating linkages and mutual understanding between the Directorate and its stakeholders. The Section is also responsible for creating a positive public perception of the Directorate through media communication, publications and public engagement. The section also ensures that stakeholders are properly informed of the overall goals, objectives, policies and operations of the Directorate.

The Internal Audit Section

The Internal Audit Section within the Director General’s Division conducts systematic, and independent audits and examination of the systems of all divisions of the Directorate to determine the adequacy of controls, reliability of information, and security of RD assets. The Section provides an objective assurance and consulting service designed to add value and improve the Directorate’s performance and overall governance processes. The audits can assist heads of divisions in improving their operations by identifying areas that are vulnerable to abuse or inefficiency, ensuring that policies and procedures are followed, and that their operations are adhering to national laws.

The Internal Audit Section also provides reports to the DG, Executive as well as to the Board’s Audit and Risk Sub-Committee concerning the results of reviews of financial reporting, compliance with laws, regulations, policies, procedures, and internal controls.
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